Friday, January 9, 2015

The Narrow Road Of Love prt1

                                                                                                                  jan 2015 tiavi
    this is an attempt to put my current feelings and thoughts into writting...maybee a blog maybee a book maybee just a look at my this f u dont agree with something or anything just see it as a picture of me...and my feeling and thoughts and ideas...and maybee u can gleem somethng from it..

  starting jan 1 2015....i began writting...these words now a week in...i wanted to begin to share them wth others...

        THE NARROW ROAD OF LOVE (working title)

   Hitler kills jews gypses cripples and gays...and we think he is a horrible monster...yet the christan god..does it and (chrstians) applaud sayng ,"they got what they deserve they didnt except Christ"
    Hitler only klled the body but god will torture them for eternity....SOMEThing seems arye here?

Recently ive been in debates about this..So many chrstians say "but the bible says it its true"..i say to you but what does your heart say..What does Love say...the bible also says God is Love...and this does not sound like love to me! And we know as well from scripture..the God kind of called agape in the greek meaning unconditional love all forgiving love..its a higher love then all others listed in greek culture and writting..

   It came to me yesterday while talking with the Spirit about this....the wordsx of Christ on the cross..."forgive them lord for they know not what they do"...they were directed towards his murderersas he hung on the cross dying..THATS IT ! i thought...Jesus forgave his killers why not everyone..they didnt "say a prayer"..they didnt even "except and believe and ask jesus in their heart" yet they were forgiven! and they will be in heaven...(whatever that ends up being none of us no for sure) wether you like it or not...! wether it fits into your theology or not..!

i thnk its so beautiful...we see Christs heart here..FORGIVNESS FOR ALL!
he realised they didnt realy know what they were doing..

and i believe this holds true for so many...people realy dont know what they are doing...we are tempted by so many things..we have these physical bodies that are chemicaly driven sometimes causing strong sexual desires..mental disorders..emotions like depression doubt fear..we are told so many things by so many people who "think they know"! then there is a demonic realm we deal with as well that are oprressing us in many ways...there is the enviroment...that effects our bodies eversly..such as mold i personaly delt with..that left me n a state where if i would get around the slitest hint of it..i would get agressivly angry and in a rage.....these things cause me to see the fact that god being "Just" could not make such a sweeping and broad statment that everyone who did not except christ his son according to the "bible" while they were on the earth will be put to death....aka tortured for all eternity...( as we are led to believe by mainstream christianity)
   TO me this sounds more like an extreme muslim ghadists than a "loving God"..

I personaly believe that the creator is more loving then i am, not less!

He ( she or SHE/HE we get to hung up on gender..god transends our thinking on this..remmber as well we were made in the creators image male and female..the bible...says..more on this another time)is love!not he loves sometimes and he hates he is love..maybee this will make it more clear for you...LOVE IS GOD! LOVE IS THE CREATOR!

  How wonderful is that! this love casts out all fear...fear of what you ask...of judgement...We have spent so long living in fear of our creator that weve never realy understood his great love..i feel that could realy change the world..instead of seeing converts to fill our pews maybee we would see hurting souls that need a hug! That need an ear and not a lashing tounge..that need hope and not DAMNATION..that need a Father NOt A DICTATOR! what Jesus showed us in the parable of the prodigal son and his that is unconditional love..that shows us there is always hope..even if i make my bed in hell he is there...! and not just there ..HE CAME RUNNNGto meet the son with arms wide open and tears in his eyes..JESUS didnt go with the "status que" of his day....religious buisness as useal...
and frankly neither can we today... just because the religious  experts of our day say"the bible SAYS" ..
I feel they are more in love with religion then jesus...then love then people...
remember jesus said the sabbath was created for people and not people for the sabbath...we were never intended to be SLAVES OF RELIGION..ironicaly it was intended to bring us to freedom...but we want to remain its slave...burdened down with heavy yokes...burdens no man can carry...

  If you take off the religious glasses and put on LOve glasses..agape unconditional love..then you will begin to see people in a whole new way!

i love how mother theresa..saw jesus in thr ryr of thre dying..the least of ther least..on ther streets of calcuta..she ddnt try to shove her religion on them..she "saw jesus" and she loved him..clothed him and fed him..


i want to look at this all for a the letter to the romans chapter five..all were damned in adam and all were freed in christ..
i believe all means all...but the argument i hear is thatyou have to be "in Christ"...first of all i believe christ is everywhere and in everything so we cant help but be in him...but they mean you have to say yes to him you have to except him on earth before you die..

let me ask you this....If "all " means alll for adam in adam with no questions....why wouldnt it mean "all" when speaking of those in christ...

is what adam did more powerful then what christ death more powerful then condemnation more powerful then grace...the bible says in romans five again...where sin abounds grace super abounds..another words you cannot out do grace...thats how powerful it is..

i feel "all" means all...

we dont have to except that we are in adam so why do we have to except we are in christ..i beleive he made everything whole..every broken atom back in place...and that is to be our message to people..

God isnt holding anything against you...he loves you...

we still want instead to hold to this primitive view of god that he fights for us and our kind but crushes everyone else...he is a bad ass...that we have to keep appeased...a blood thirsty terror..hes lovebut we never now when hell get pissed and be hate..

we cannot hold to both views...sort of a skitsopfrenic god...he is love and he is a monster..i dont believe we would say but he is a just god....all soverign...realy? do you realy feel ths idea of god is just...?? is that justice to eternaly punish people that didnt except your religion.....thats what muslims and i think some of the jewish faith believe well...religion has propegated ths veiw for much to long..what if we imaginied a love that realy was greater than our own...not weaker...a love that could be beaten to an inch of death hanging on a tree a bloody mess taunted tormented spit on ..hit.. whipped and still say FORGIVE thats some theology i can grab hold of...that rings true in my heart...!

if the free gift of grace is for a chosen few that still follow "the Rules" and say a "recieve jesus" is it realy that amazing then...i dont think it realy good news...when most everyone you know is going to be tortured in hell a loving god..
           one day i thought about if i had lived in gemany during world war 2 era...i and all my freinds would be dead...and that is not how i want to view eternity...i and all my friends burnung forever...while snobby,church people who condemned us are sittng by in pardise sipping virgin daquires..and laughing hautely as we i said in a song i wrote if this is god who needs a devil! (

   and if the angel says well tiavi you said "the prayer"(to recieve christ)   tecnicaly you can come in...i would say fuck you i revolt..if this is heaven then give me hell.i wont stand by while all my friends are tortured....luckily i know all this is bull shit...and the truth is LOVE and GRACE for all..

       this is the narrow road...not the pious relgious vew of" if i live totaly perfect staying on the narrow road of perfect morality...then ill make it....of course i have to except jesus to"...hes kind of an add religion.instead of a saviour of the world...
         no...the narrow road jesus spoke of is the narrow road of love...he saw so much hate in the religious order of his day all around him....that was the broad road leading everyone to destruction...he, Love himself...was the narrow road...of love...leading everyone home...its narrow because they were narrow ..narrow minded and hard hearted..they couldnt see it...hate pride and power blinded them..and unfortunately today it is still the same..


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